• +91 - 7449113388 / 99404 93530
  • info@primekidzschool.com


Program Offered

Play group 18 months to 2.5 years
Nursery 2.5 years to 3.5 years
Junior KG 3.5 years to 4.5 years
Senior KG 4.5 years to 5.5 yearss

Classes Schedule

Play group, Nursery 9.30a.m. to 12.30p.m
Junior KG, Senior KG 9.30a.m. to 2.00p.m

Basic Programs

We have a special programs for pre-primary and Kindergarten in different categories.

In this children’s garden (Kindergarten) the children play and learn. Put in another way, they learn to play in a definite way which is both fun and education at the same time and helps them to join the school later. This is called the PLAY-WAY METHOD fun at learning.

They learn to speak by story telling and play the same by acting it out. They develop their vocal chords and speech by learning nursery rhymes and they play by singing it. They learn to develop their visual skills at reading by recognizing the letter of the Alphabet and they play by juggling them with alphabet-card. The same goes to recognizing numbers by playing the number games. Then they have adventures of learning people, things and animals by images, pictures and even cartoons. They learn to be with others, play together and make friends. What is most important at this stage is learning to speak. It is only by speech and repetition that the child really learns. Speaking less means learning less. If the child speaks less, it means he knows less.

KG is a world of its own, full of colour, fun and activities. In order to do this, the first psychological requisite is to make the child feel SECURE, that is, make it feel at home with the class, the teacher and other children. A warm atmosphere is created so that they will love learning and long to come to the kindergarten. Therefore, everything is planned very carefully and child-centred. They are in the kindergarten for five hours. They are occupied with various activities which help their emotional, social, intellectual and physical development.

Assessment is a day to day activity which the teacher undertakes, to know and discover the qualities, talents, abilities and short-comings of the students. The teacher uses various ways and methods to know and study the students in their mental, physical, social, emotional, aesthetic and spiritual development. The teacher is in constant touch with the students and tries to know them with a view to help them in their all round development. After every unit, when the students are led into new areas of knowledge and discovery, the teachers assesses the students to see how far they have assimilated and understood that particular unit. This is done through, appropriate thought provoking questions both oral and written, healthy inter-group and inter-section activities. The students are also assessed for their ability to understand, to respond and retain the new knowledge gained.

The written work is only one of the many ways of assessing a student. Even in the written work, the teacher takes into account the QUALITY, ACCURACY, NEATNESS and the EFFICIENCY with which the work is done. The assessment is based on the all round growth of a student from all possible angles. Special arrangement for assessment cannot be made for pupils who, for any reason, are absent from any of the tests or assessment. The results of the assessment are communicated to the parents by means of the Progress Report. They are requested to sign and return these to the school within three days of issuance.